Baby/Toddler Sleep Courses

Sleep is so important to our mental health and I know how hard it can be to get enough sleep when you’re a new parent. There is a lot of conflicting information coming at new parents about sleep from pediatricians, sleep consultants and other parents. You may have a lot of questions and don’t know where to start. Should you let your baby cry it out? Should you cosleep? What if neither option is right for your family?

As a therapist who specializes in maternal mental health and focuses on supporting secure attachment, it is important to me that we support you in getting as much rest as possible, while also helping you to be responsive to your baby when they cry out for you. That is why I refer clients to Rachael Shepard-Ohta and her team at Hey Sleepy Baby. She aims to equip parents with knowledge and confidence to come up with a plan that works for them. Her courses are filled with tips to gently lead babies toward better sleep, while supporting attachment and feeding goals.

Use code ERIN to get 15% off any Hey Sleepy Baby course

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